4 Strategies For Prioritizing Your Wellness During Grad School

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Angela Crumdy on my podcast, Writing on My Mind. Dr. Crumdy is the creator of Grad Girl Wellness, an online platform designed to encourage women of color to prioritize their overall health and wellness while pursuing higher education. She offered some helpful strategies for prioritizing your wellness that I want to share with you all to support your graduate school success.

1. Start early.

Start planning a wellness routine as early as possible. A lot of folks wait until they’re burning out in the middle of their grad school journey to prioritize their wellness. Be proactive instead. Make planning for your wellness a priority from the beginning.

2. Explore restful and restorative activities.

You can also prioritize wellness by exploring activities that bring you joy. Give yourself the freedom to find or return to hobbies you enjoy. It may take time, but it’s worth it. It’s easier to practice something regularly if it helps you rest and recharge while having fun.

3. Remind yourself: it's okay if you're struggling.

There is so much performance that happens in grad school. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who’s struggling. But the feeling of struggling is actually pretty common. Remind yourself that it’s okay if you’re struggling. Talk to others to normalize your feelings of struggling. Additionally, give yourself grace as you work on being more intentional about your wellness.

4. Build community.

Community is essential to our well being. Find ways to build relationships both inside and outside your institution. This could look like connecting with student groups on campus, planning events, or connecting with other students or faculty through social media or while attending conferences. You could also try volunteering or joining a community organization to meet people outside of academia.

Do you need more support?

Sign up for my newsletter or schedule a coaching session with me. Be sure to tune into the podcast episode with Dr. Crumdy and check out her website gradgirlwellness.com.


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